Today I graduate.
Two years ago I walked across the stage of a small white church and received my high school diploma.
Two years later… a few hours from now… I’ll walk across the stage of a huge coliseum and shake a president’s hand and receive my Associate’s degree.
Two years ago I wore blue. A blue I wasn’t even sure I liked at the time, but that looks all right in the pictures I have of that day.
Two years later I’ll wear black. Which is blah. Oh, well. I do get to wear an honor cord.
I’m excited thrilled giddy. I’m not even sure why. Could it be the sense of accomplishment? The sense of ahhh, I’m done with that now–time to move on?
I’m headed to uni, people.
Two years ago I threw a party. With a beautiful cake decorated with peach flowers. With a peach rose bouquet. With peach blooms and peach pebbles on all the tables. And me in a peach dress.
{Quick, who wants to guess what my favorite color is?}
Two years ago, two short months after my peach party, I started community college.
With oh-my-goodness-I-didn’t-know-words-could-cost-that-much books, a peach-swirled binder, and a bag that attests to my love of silver and bows. The purse I carry today could pass for its close cousin.
Oh, and I still have those capris, too. My fave pair. I guess my fashion-sense hasn’t morphed all that much.
Which makes me giggle.
I have more two years later now. Two years of college under my belt. Things I’ve learned. Things I’m glad I’ve learned. Things I wish I hadn’t learned. Some stuff some might call smarts. Know-how. Book learning.
The most important thing I’ve learned in the two years since I walked across the stage of that little white church and walking across that stage tonight is described fairly well by this song.
Confidence…sure of myself…ready to take on the world…wise enough to look both ways before she leaps.
Do I always feel confident? No. I think I would prefer an invisibility cloak quite often, actually.
Do I feel ready to take on the world?
Absolutely not.
Define ready.
Do I look both ways now before I leap?
Most of the time, if by looking both ways you mean look up to Him who holds my life-map.
The thing is, even after two years, I am still
to leap.
That college hasn’t pilfered from me, though at one time I feared it just might. That college can never pilfer from me.
That daring to leap nothing can pilfer from me except I let it.
Rachelle Rea says
Thank you, Lisa! :)<br /><br />And now I've added the link to the link-up, it's official. ;)
Lisa says
Your sweet post makes me want to leap, even though it is scary. I guess leaping in faith is the only way to live, as we grow more confident in Him!<br /><br />Thanks for linking up with Keeping It Real at Love having you around!<br /><br />Blessings, <br />Lisa
Rachelle Rea says
Thank you so very much, Jessica Laurie!<br /><br />Yep!
Jessica Laurie says
Congrats, Rachelle! I know you have a wonderful new season ahead of you filled with God's blessings and surprises. :-)<br /><br />Oh, and let me guess…you're favorite color is…PEACH?
Rachelle Rea says
Julia!<br /><br />I feel almost as if ya'll have been there for me with big signs awaving. :) Okay, "Shell is Swell" made me clutch-my-stomach-bend-over-almost-tip-out-of-my-seat laugh!<br /><br />You are the most amazing sister I could ever ask for…<br /><br />Hugs,<br /><br />Rachelle
Julia says
Hi Rachelle! :) <br /><br />A BIG HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you! You achieved your goal, pressing through all those hard hours of studying and tests and classes! WAY TO GO! <br /><br />(I am totally with Rachel on the waving-big-signs idea. Mine would say "PEACHES & STRAWBERRIES FOREVER" :D Or maybe "SHELL IS SWELL")<br /><br />Keep glowing, you precious girl! You light up
Rachelle Rea says
Thank you, Jennifer!<br /><br />Oh, Sarah, wouldn't that be grand! I know you are with me in spirit and I'm so grateful for that–for you!<br /><br />Lucy, I did! :)<br /><br />Rachel, sparkly? Me? *laughs* Curly girls unite! Oh, and yes, little did *I* know what a blessing your friendship would be. I am totally loving the idea of big signs by the way…:D Love you too much, dear friend!
Abundantly Blessed says
Cograts! :)<br />I can't wait to go to college!<br />What college did you go to?
FunTó says
Congratulations! By the way, this is sooo beautifully written! Looked reading every word. I'm not too familiar with the american system but it sounds cool if you can do college in two years! Again, CONGRATS! May the Lord take you to greater and greater heights still! Have an AMAZING time tonight, make it memorable!<br />God bless!<br /><br /><a href="" rel
Sarah Martin says
so proud of you, smarty pants! have fun celebrating!
Rose H. says
Congratulations! God bless and keep you! Love and hugs, Rose
Sarah Elizabeth says
I so wish I could be there with you to celebrate your so-far-daring journey today! I guess I'll have to settle for hoping and daring alongside you, friend. <br /><br />You know, I first heard Addison Road sing HOPE NOW live at Centrifuge two years ago. FUGE was MY crossroads…the place where I learned to be daring, in trusting in God and HIS plans for me. I also met my love, my Jared, that
Rachel says
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!! :D And I love your peachy sparlkly personality and your super curls! ;) *giggles* Curly girls together forever! {{{{{HUGS}}}}<br /><br />I'm so glad I have gotten the opportunity to know you. Little did I know what a blessing you would be/have been in my life. *squeeze* Glad you get to stick around with us at MOHL even though your moving on to
Lucy says
Congratulations Rachelle! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating :)
Sarah H. says
I am so happy Rachelle! I wish I was there to giggle and jump for joy with you. Since I can't, know that I am super excited for you!
Jennifer says
Rachelle Rea says
Thank you, Anne! University! :D
Anne Mateer says
Congratulations, Rachelle! Enjoy your accomplishment (and yes, even the black robe!). So what journey do you embark on now?